Today we live in an age when hair loss is no longer considered a permanent condition. Our goal is to help you craft a plan to restore the hair you’ve lost. We start that process by conducting a consultation where we walk you through the process below. We look forward to helping you achieve your hair restoration goals.
- Have Your Questions Answered
- Review Your Treatment Options
- Receive Cost & Financing Plans

Discuss Trouble Area
We will discuss your concerns and expectations. Together we will agree on a realistic hair restoration plan… Short and long term goals where appropriate.

Define The Area
We outline the trouble area, so we agree on the exact area you want restored. We then document our findings with photos.

Map The Area
We transfer the surface area to be restored onto our 3D Hair Mapping Template. Then calculate the size of the restoration area in square centimeters.

Discuss Hair Density
We will discuss your current hair density factor using Modern Hair Science. Average density in men is 80 Follicular Graft Units per square centimeter and slightly higher for most women.

Calculate Grafts And Cost
We calculate total grafts needed by multiplying the surface area restored by the density factor desired by the cost per graft. You’ll know exactly what’s needed to reach your goals.